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Unlimited Screenshots Plans

All plans come with a 2-week free trial period

Save 2 months Annually


Good to test one project
10 pages*
  • Unlimited screenshots and diffs
  • Screenshot modifications
  • Prod, Stage environments
Start Free Trial no credit card required


For organizations with more than 10 projects.

$125 / month

$1500 billed yearly
Save $300/year

  • Unlimited screenshots and diffs
  • Screenshot modifications
  • Prod, Stage environments + custom environments
  • Automation, REST API
  • Team management
  • Priority support

Tiny Plans Available

If you manage a few small sites we have tiny plans available as well. Reach out to us to know the pricing.

Optional add-ons


$200 / month

Take screenshots from the sites behind your corporate VPN.


$100 / month

Custom domain and branding so your clients won't know you are using Diffy behind the scenes.

2 million
screenshots monthly
websites tested

Trusted by world-class organizations

Frequently asked questions

  • What does the "100 pages" plan mean?

    This means that all your projects together should not exceed 100 pages. On average single site would have around 20-30 critical pages to check. But you still create really large number of screenshots as we do not limit how many times you can take them.
  • What forms of payment are accepted?

    We accept Visa, MasterCard by using Stripe as a payment gateway.
  • What browser is used to take screenshots? What about performance?

    We are using Amazon Lambda for taking screenshots with Chrome as a browser. This allows us to take hundreds of screenshots within 5-10 minutes.
  • What about support?

    We are spread between Pacific and Eastern European timezones. This allows us to cover a lot of timezones for reasonable response time.