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13 October 2023

SVG with GIF inside. How to freeze the animation?

We discovered that you can place animated GIFs inside of the SVG. This makes freezing animation very interesting problem. Example is on the site Neutec

GIF inside SVG


Here is a way to freeze it with javascript:

const image = document.querySelector('#Layer_1 image[*|href$=".gif"]');

if (image) {
    const c = document.createElement('canvas');
    const w = c.width = image.getAttribute('width');
    const h = c.height = image.getAttribute('height');

    c.getContext('2d').drawImage(image, 0, 0, w, h);
    image.setAttributeNS('', 'href', c.toDataURL('image/gif'));

Visual Testing of Patternlab and Drupal

Because both Patternlab and Drupal 8 can use twig as a rendering engine it is possible to build a theme to be based on Patternlab’s components. It makes very easy to apply visual regression testing to Patternlab’s demo site.
6 mins read read

A Comprehensive Guide to Non Functional Testing: Types, Examples, and Tools

Testing is an essential part of the software development lifecycle. Any software application needs to be tested for its functional and non functional requirements. Testing helps to examine if the software application matches all requirements and standards, ensuring customer satisfaction. Various aspects of applications are checked using different tests, classified into functional and non functional testing categories.

17 min read

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