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17 August 2023

Dealing with ShadowDOM with jQuery

Recently we started testing and we wanted to take screenshots of the dropdown menu and search box, but they were implemented as components with shadowDOM.

double shadow dom



Thankfully there is a way to interact with elements in shadowDOM with jQuery.

if (window.location.hash == '#menu') {
  var header = jQuery('lbj-header')[0].shadowRoot;

Besides opening menu it was also possible to test clicking on the search box and even showing the autocomplete dropdown in the search. expanded menu, search box

A Comprehensive Guide to Non Functional Testing: Types, Examples, and Tools

Testing is an essential part of the software development lifecycle. Any software application needs to be tested for its functional and non functional requirements. Testing helps to examine if the software application matches all requirements and standards, ensuring customer satisfaction. Various aspects of applications are checked using different tests, classified into functional and non functional testing categories.

17 min read

Everything You Need To Know About Performance Testing and Its Types

The software testing process does not end with the segregation of functional and non-functional types. Therefore, to develop a thorough understanding of the SDLC, you need to dig deeper. One of the non-functional testing types is performance testing and this type is further segregated into 4 types.

4 min read

A Brief Guide to Functional Testing, Types & Examples

Apart from being an integral part of the SDLC, functional testing is defined as testing a software system's ability to meet the functional requirements of an end-to-end solution. New to the world of functional testing? You have come to the right place!

7 min read

Diffy helps your QA team

to ensure that websites don't get visual bugs